
Field Trips


How many students can be accommodated in the theatre at one time?

B Street school field trips are held in our Sutter Theatre and can hold over 300 students, teachers and chaperones at one time.

How much are the tickets?

Early Bird Price (before 9/1/24) – $14 per ticket.

Regular Price (after 9/1/24) – $17 per ticket.

Teachers, Aides, and Staff are always free!

Preview and Title One discounts are also available – please contact studentmatinees@bstreettheatre.org for quotes. We never want cost to be a barrier, so let us help you make this trip financially doable for your school or group!

What days have field trips available?

Tuesdays-Fridays – 9:30am or 11:30am

Select performances at 9:45AM, 10AM, 11:45AM and some Monday performances are available. Please email studentmatinees@bstreettheatre.org to check availability.

What is the run time of the performance?

Each of our student matinee productions are 90-minutes long, which includes a 10-minute intermission and an optional 5-minute talk back with the actors onstage following each performance. The talk-back will only be held, time permitting and at the discretion of stage management.

Is there a Q&A with the actosrs?

There will be a brief question and answer session immediately following the performance. Encourage your students to be thinking of a good question to ask the creative team. There may only be time to take a few questions, so encourage students to put their thoughts in the form of a short question so the actors can answer as many questions as possible

Are there rules about seating?

No student backpacks or lunchboxes are allowed in the theatre these items need to be left in the lobby. Work with our volunteer ushers to seat your students in an efficient manner, line them up with their chaperones. How you enter the theatre is most likely how you will be seated. We will work with you to make sure your students are within your sight but we cannot stop our seating process for you to rearrange students. Seating will be done approximately 15-minutes prior to the start of the show, on a group-by-group basis. We will not seat your group until everyone in the group has arrived. I will only reserve seats for students who require ADA accessible seating, otherwise we operate on a general seating policy. There are over 380 seats in the theatre and they are all great seats! Please encourage students to keep their feet off of the seat and cup holders in front of them. There are no sharing seats. In years past, some students have removed or done harm to the seat numbers, cup holders or donation plaques affixed to the arms of the seats. Please observe your students throughout the play to make sure this does not happen. We will not hold the doors to the show for late arrival. When it is safe, and we have approval from stage management, we can begin late seating. In the meantime, students who arrive late can watch the show from a TV feed in our lobby.

Is there a Study Guide?

You will receive a study guide with materials prior to your show date, you can also find this in PDF form for download on the show page of our website when it becomes available. You will find lots of information about the content and themes of the play, along with discussions to have prior to coming to the theatre. Please go over theatre etiquette with your students to help them be the best audience they can be!

Are there Theatre rules?

No student backpacks, food or drink (other than bottled water) are allowed in the theatre. Backpacks, lunchboxes or coolers can be left in our lobby in a designated area prior to seating. The lobby will be monitored during the performance. Teachers and chaperones may bring bags into the theatre. No cell phones may be used during the performance. Photography or videography of the performance is strictly prohibited and a violation of Actor’s Equity Association rules. If you are found violating this rule you will be asked to turn off your phone. If you continue to record you will be asked to leave the theatre. If a teacher or chaperone needs to use the phone to take a call, they may go to the lobby to do so. You are more than welcome to take pictures of your group inside the theatre before the show, during intermission, or after. You may also use your phone to photograph your group inside the lobby. Please do not allow students or anyone in your group to touch items onstage, use the stairs leading up to or stand onstage. This is a safety issue for our facility and management or our ushers will ask you to refrain from doing so.

Where are you located?

2700 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, CA 95816 Our building sits on Sutter Hospital property, in a residential area with moderate foot traffic. We are adjacent to several residential properties, the Fort Sutter Hotel, the T-bar restaurant, Sutter’s Fort State Park, Sutter Hospital Parking Garage and a church.

What about parking?

If you are coming by bus, you may use the loading zone in front of the theatre to drop off and pick up your students. Buses can park along Sutter’s Fort on L Street during the performance. You are more than welcome to come to the theatre 30 minutes prior to the show time. If you are coming by car, you can utilize the metered parking in the area. Please observe street parking signs, however, as some days you cannot park between 8AM-12PM for street cleaning. We don’t want you to get a ticket! There is also a parking garage directly behind the theatre that accepts card payment.

Is there any place nearby to have lunch?

If you would like your group to eat before or after the performance, we recommend the Sutter’s Fort lawn across from our theatre for larger groups. We have a small courtyard space adjacent to the theatre and space on our steps out front for smaller groups. You can bring your coolers or lunch bags into the theatre and keep them in the lobby during the show. Please note, it is your responsibility to clean up all garbage and wrappers. No food is allowed inside the theatre. If you have a student with extenuating circumstances, a teacher may have food with them, but it will need to be consumed in the lobby under supervision.

Is there an age limit?

Because of the theatre’s intimate size and layout children under 4 are not allowed to attend.

Do you have performances with American Sign Language interpreters?

We arrange specific shows during the run to have interpreters available. Please be sure to contact Tara Sissom at studentmatinees@bstreettheatre.org for a list of these dates as we have them available.

What are the facilities like?

If students need to use the restroom at any time during your field trip, please ensure they are accompanied by a teacher or chaperone at all times. Please encourage them to be respectful of the facilities. There is a very good chance that there will be multiple school groups in attendance at the performance. In order to keep every child safe and with their group, make sure they are under the supervision of a teacher or chaperone at all times.

Rules about the lobby

We know students are going to be excited! To keep everyone safe, encourage your students to use the buddy system to keep your group together while waiting in our lobby. There may be multiple groups waiting to be seated or exiting the theatre prior to the show. Once your group arrives, if the theatre house has not opened yet, you will congregate in the lobby, and will be seated once everyone is arrived. Feel free to take a photo of your group in front of our step-and-repeat sign. The Sofia, Home of the B Street Theatre, is a large building that hosts our student programming during the day and our concert and Mainstage programming in the evening. Encourage your students to be respectful of the space so we can keep the theatre comfortable for everyone. The concession bar is not open for student matinees. There is no running in the lobby or theatre, as tempting as it might be!

How can I give feedback?

We love hearing about your experience at our student matinees. Please encourage your students, teachers and parent chaperones to share their thoughts on the production and experience following the show and send that to me via email. We want to hear about what they loved, what surprised them, anything they learned and what titles or themes you are interested in seeing us present in future productions, we take this feedback into account when planning our season. We also love getting letters and artwork from our young audiences. Please mail them to us at the theatre c/o Tara Sissom so we can share your student artwork with the cast, crew, creative and administrative teams.


We are operating under all Sacramento City Covid mandates for a venue of our size. There is no vaccine requirement or mask mandate. We recommend you follow the guidelines of your district and do what makes you most comfortable.

Is there ADA?

If you have a child in your group who requires ADA accommodations please let me know prior to the day of the performance so I can reserve our accessible seats for your group. They will be seated first based on your group’s arrival time.

Who do I contact to book Field Trips?

Tara Sissom at studentmatinees@bstreettheatre.org. Our box office will not be open prior to the performance. Feel free to save my number 916-442-5635 x 114. If you are running late, please have one person from your group call to let me know.

How do we pay?

If you would like to pay for your deposit or full amount by card, please call our box office at 916-443-5300 ext #1. The remaining balance will be due the day of the performance if your group has not paid in full. Please refer to the invoice for this information. I can accept cash or check; however, I will not be able to make change, so please bring the exact amount. I may not be able to run your card at the time of the show and will have to take the card number and run later in the day.