Sacramento’s Premier Live Entertainment Venue
music series - Festejos - 05/11/2025 at 4:00 pm, 05/11/2025 at 4:00 pm, 05/11/2025 at 3:45 pm


"Festejos" is an exciting and vibrant celebration of Mexico's festive traditions! Calidanza, joined by Ballet Folklórico Ensambles from San Francisco, brings to life the energy and joy of Mexico’s holidays through dynamic dances from Jalisco’s lively plazas, the spirited fiestas of Tabasco, and the rhythmic Fandangos of southern Veracruz. With music played live by Vinic Kay, this captivating production showcases the beauty of seven distinct cultural regions, offering an unforgettable experience that immerses audiences in Mexico’s rich holiday traditions. With every step, "Festejos" fills the stage with color, rhythm, and the joyous spirit of celebration!

"Festejos" es una emocionante y vibrante celebración de las tradiciones festivas de México. Calidanza, junto con el Ballet Folklórico Ensambles de San Francisco, da vida a la energía y alegría de los festejos mexicanos a través de danzas dinámicas desde las plazas de Jalisco, las fiestas Tabascqueno hasta los rítmicos fandangos del sur de Veracruz. Con música en vivo de Vinic Kay, esta cautivadora producción muestra la belleza de siete regiones culturales distintas, ofreciendo una experiencia inolvidable que sumerge a la audiencia en las ricas tradiciones festivas de México. ¡Con cada paso, "Festejos" llena el escenario de color, ritmo y el espíritu alegre de la celebración!

More information about Calidanza available HERE!

Doors open 1 hour prior to showtime. This show is All Ages

Read about our Health & Safety protocols HERE

buy tickets for Festejos

May 11
4:00 pm
Upper Tier - General Admission
4:00 pm
Upper Tier - General Admission
+ $9.00 Fee (What is this?)
May 11
4:00 pm
Lower Tier - General Admission
4:00 pm
Lower Tier - General Admission
+ $9.00 Fee (What is this?)
May 11
3:45 pm
VIP Tier
3:45 pm
VIP Tier
+ $9.00 Fee (What is this?)