Sacramento’s Premier Live Entertainment Venue
other series - latine / hispanic cabaret - 12/16/2022 at 7:00 pm, 12/16/2022 at 7:00 pm

latine / hispanic cabaret

ENGLISH/INGLÉS: Teatro Nagual invites you on an unforgettable journey on a "rowing bus" that will transport 80 passengers, with no visas or passports, through the cultural regions of Latin America. Our tour guide will showcase the most emblematic art of these regions with performing artists on stage and a backdrop with music and imagery. We will recreate the supernatural beauty of our Magic Realism in 90 minutes - with one technical stop.

ESPAÑOL/SPANISH: Teatro Nagual te invita a un viaje inolvidable en un "bus con remos” que transportará a 80 pasajeros, sin visa ni pasaporte, por las regiones culturales de América Latina. Nuestro guía turístico nos mostrará lo más emblemático de estas regiones con artistas en el escenario e imágenes y música en la pantalla. Recrearémos en 90 minutos, y una parada técnica, la belleza supernatural de nuestro Realismo Mágico. ¡NO TE LO PIERDAS¡

Featuring/Artistas: Mónica Nainsztein, Guadalupe Díaz, Diego Campos, Dimaggio Carrión, Andrea Jaramillo, Roberto Robles (Nosearte), Waldo Díaz, Grupo Raíces, Andrés Romero y Edgar Rincón (Los Legendarios).

Drink package:
Two drink packages = 1 bottle of wine
One drink package = one drink per person

Doors open 30 minutes prior to showtime. This show is All Ages

Read about our Health & Safety protocols HERE

buy tickets for latine / hispanic cabaret

Online sales are not currently available.
Please contact the box office at (916) 443-5300 to check for availablity.